Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Each design element may be attached to one or more MGE features. The FME feature consists of a design element, a single MGE feature, and the attributes from the row of the feature’s attribute table which corresponds to the element. Special FME feature attributes are used to hold design element parameters. The MGE Writer will use these attribute values as it fills in an element structure during output. The MGE Reader will set these attributes in the FME feature it creates for each element it reads.

Tip: Tip: By using a common value for graphic group value, several otherwise separate elements may be tied together into a logical super-element for later processing by application programs.

The FME considers the MGE feature name to be the FME feature type of an element in a MGE design file. Each MGE element, regardless of its geometry type, shares a number of other parameters, as described in the following table. Please see the Design File Reader/Writer feature representation for the parameters specific descriptions to each of the supported element types.