Adobe Illustrator (IEPS) Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated PostScript® (IEPS) Writer module enables FME to write Encapsulated PostScript export files specifically formatted to work with Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator IEPS is a different flavour of EPS and makes use of some of the functionality of Adobe Illustrator. The most significant additions are the use of layers and object attributes. In this format, many of the PostScript keywords have been shortened into special Adobe Illustrator single letter functions. The implication is that EPS files produced by this writer cannot be used outside of Adobe Illustrator. The standard EPS writer should be used if the EPS is to be used in other applications.

IEPS is most often used for high-quality plots in desktop publishing software.

Note: This writer may write files that are quite large since it does create an output coordinate for every source coordinate. If you find your .eps files getting too large, it is recommended that you first generalize your source data to make it less dense using the FME Workbench Generalizer transformer.