Writer Directives

The suffixes shown are prefixed by the current <WriterKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <WriterKeyword> for the Google Maps Engine Tables Writer is GOOGLEMAPSENGINETABLES_OUT.


This directive specifies a refresh token for OAuth 2.0 authentication to Google Maps Engine.

This token can be pasted into the Refresh Token field, if known. To obtain a new token, click the browse button beside the Refresh Token field in the Reader Parameters dialog. This will prompt for a Google account authentication page from Google.

It is recommended that you save the defaults (from the Defaults button on the dialog) once the refresh token is retrieved so you will not have to re-authenticate in the future. You will need to re-add the reader or writer to older workspaces so they will run properly.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_REFRESH_TOKEN <token>

Workbench Parameter

Refresh Token




Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_PER_REQUEST_VERTEX_LIMIT <value>

Workbench Parameter

Maximum Vertices Per Request




Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_KML_TABLE_CREATION Yes|No

Workbench Parameter

Create Table Using KML Upload


Each Google Maps Engine table must have fields defined for records to be written. All field names on the DEF line must exist on the table. The syntax of the definition is:

      [gme_mode (INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)] \
      [gme_geometry_columns (geometry|””)] \
      [gme_type (gme_collection|gme_point|gme_line|gme_polygon)] \
      [gme_update_null_geometry (Yes|No)] \
      [gme_description (<description>|””)] \
      [gme_tags <tag>(,<tag>)*] \
      [gme_drop_table (Yes|No)] \
      [gme_create_default_layer (Yes|No)] \
      [gme_create_default_map (Yes|No)]  \
      [<columnName> <columnType>] +


Parameter Contents

The name or ID of the table to be written.

The recognized forms are:

  • Table name
  • Table asset ID
  • Table name (table asset ID)

The value must match an existing table on Google Maps Engine.


The type of write command to perform. Refer to the Writer Mode Specification section for details.

Default: INSERT


The geometry type for this table. This value is used during table creation. It corresponds to the column type for the table’s primary geometry column.

gme_collection corresponds to the mixedGeometry column type.

Tables cannot be created with no geometry column type.


If this parameter is set to Yes and the writer mode is UPDATE, then existing geometries will be updated. Otherwise, existing geometries will be unmodified, regardless of the geometry on input features.

If the schema contains gx_location, the writer will behave as if this parameter were set to No, regardless of its actual value.

Default: Yes


Description text for this table.


Ignored if the table already exists.


Comma-separated list of tags for this table. Tags can be double-quoted if commas are intended to be part of the tag.


Ignored if table already exists.


If this parameter is set to Yes, and a corresponding vector table already exists, then it will be deleted and re-created.

Caution: If the table is contained in any layer, table deletion will fail and the writer will abort. The table must be manually removed from Layers via the GME web interface before it can be deleted.

Default: No


If this parameter is set to Yes, upon successful table creation and processing, a layer containing the new table is created using default settings.

For more layer styling options, use the GoogleMapsEngineStyler transformer.

This parameter has no effect when writing to existing vector tables.

Default: No


If this parameter is set to Yes, then upon successful table and layer creation and processing, a map is created. The created layer is then added to the new map.

If the GoogleMapsEngineStyler transformer is not being used, then setting this parameter to Yes also implies that gme_create_default_layer is also set to Yes. Setting this parameter to Yes also implies that gme_create_default_layer is also set to Yes, if the GoogleMapsEngineStyler transformer is not being used.

This parameter has no effect when writing to existing vector tables.

Default: No