Reader Directives

The suffixes listed are prefixed by the current <ReaderKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <ReaderKeyword> for the Google Fusion Table reader is GOOGLEMAPSENGINETABLES_IN.


This directive specifies a refresh token for OAuth 2.0 authentication to Google Maps Engine.

This token can be pasted into the Refresh Token field, if known. To obtain a new token, click the browse button beside the Refresh Token field in the Reader Parameters dialog. This will prompt for a Google account authentication page from Google.

It is recommended that you save the defaults (from the Defaults button on the dialog) once the refresh token is retrieved so you will not have to re-authenticate in the future. You will need to re-add the reader or writer to older workspaces so they will run properly.



Mapping File Syntax

<ReaderKeyword>_REFRESH_TOKEN <token>

Workbench Parameter

Refresh Token


This directive specifies the Google Maps Engine project that contains the vector tables of interest.



Mapping File Syntax

<ReaderKeyword>_PROJECT <ProjectNameOrID>

Workbench Parameter



Each Google Maps Engine table may be defined before it is read. A definition that specifies a subset of fields will reduce data transfer and processing time. If a definition is not present for a table, all fields and records will be retrieved. User attributes that do not correspond to any column in the Google Maps Engine table are ignored, with a warning issued in the log.

The syntax of the definition is:

	[gme_sql_where_clause <whereClause>] \
	[<columnName> <columnType>] +
Parameter Contents


The recognized forms are:

  • Table name
  • Table asset ID
  • Table name (table asset ID)

If the table does not exist, the writer will attempt to create it, provided that the user’s account is enabled for the Trusted Testers table creation API.


This specifies the WHERE clause applied to object fields to limit the set of features returned. If this is not specified, then all the rows are returned.

Attribute names are case-sensitive, and the types of values must match the type defined in the schema. To filter by feature ID, use gx_id as the column name.

For information on supported operators and functions, see