Writer Directives

The directives processed by the VISION* GINA Writer are listed below. The suffixes shown are prefixed by the current <WriterKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <WriterKeyword> for the VISION* GINA writer is GINA.


Required/Optional: Required, if a non-zero gina_feat_class is specified in the mapping file

The correct GINA class must be defined using the CLASS directive if the user specifies any of the translation destination definitions with non-zero gina_feat_class.


Required/Optional: Required, if a primary table is defined

This directive specifies the VISION* feature code.


Required/Optional: Optional

This directive specifies the name, description, type, length, and precision for a VISION table field.


Required/Optional: Required, if a primary table is defined

The PRIMARY_TABLE, FIELD, and FEATURE_CODE directives are used to define GINA primary tables. If a primary table is defined for a certain feature code in the mapping file using those directives, any attribute field name of the table can be used as attribute name in the definitions for the feature groups with the feature code.


Required/Optional: Optional

The FILE_CSYS_NAME directive can be used to specify a coordinate system name to be written into the resulting GINA file. This is useful when the VISION* system adopts a different coordinate system name from that used by FME.


Required/Optional: Optional (but Required if a non-zero gina_feat_class is specified in the mapping file)

The correct GINA layer and network should be defined using the LAYER and NETWORK directives if the user specifies any of the translation destination definitions with a non-zero gina_feat_layer and a non-zero gina_feat_network. These two directives are always used together.

LAYER specifies the number, name, and description for a VISION* layer; NETWORK specifies the number, name, description, type, and layer number for a VISION* network.


Required/Optional: Required, if a primary table is defined

The correct GINA plan should be defined using the PLAN directive if the user specifies any of the translation destination definitions with a non-zero gina_feat_plan.

FME can only support a single output coordinate system. The user should make translation for a single plan each time or ensure that all plans translated have the same coordinate system.


The correct GINA version should be defined using the VERSION directive if the user specifies any of the translation destination definitions with non-zero gina_feat_version.


If the directive is specified in the mapping file, the resulting features from translation destination definitions without the gina_feat_plan specified carries their gina_feat_plan attribute as GINA_DEFAULT_PLAN.


If the directive is specified in the mapping file, the resulting features from translation destination definitions without the gina_feat_version specified carries their gina_feat_version attribute as GINA_DEFAULT_VERSION.