You are here: Popular Formats > Esri Geodatabase Reader/Writer > Raster-Specific Quick Facts

Raster-Specific Quick Facts

Band Interpretations Red8, Red16, Green8, Green16, Blue8, Blue16, Gray8, Gray16, Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Real32, Real64
Palette Key Interpretations UInt8, UInt16
Palette Value Interpretations RGB24
Nodata Value Yes
Cell Origin (x, y) 0.5, 0.5
Rotation Support No
GCP Support No
World File Support No
TAB File Support No

Note: Esri Geodatabases can store rasters as raster datasets, raster catalogs, and raster mosaics. FME supports reading raster datasets and raster catalogs. In addition, FME supports reading mosaic datasets either as a single mosaicked raster through a raster dataset reader, or as multiple-source rasters through a raster catalog reader. Writing is supported for raster datasets but not for raster catalogs or mosaic datasets. Finally, raster support is limited to File Geodatabases and Enterprise Geodatabases.