Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

All COLLADA features contain a collada_type attribute, which identifies the geometric type. The value of this attribute will usually be collada_surface. In the rare case the model does not actually contain any geometry the value of this attribute will be collada_no_geom.

The following attributes are generated from the top-level <asset> element in the .dae file. The sub-attributes of the collada_contributor list attribute are taken from the contents of each of the <contributor> elements within the <asset> element. The descriptions in the following table are taken from the COLLADA 1.4.1 specifications.

Attribute Name



Contains the date and time that the model was created. Represented in an ISO 8601 format as per the XML Schema dateTime primitive type.


Contains the date and time that the model was last modified. Represented in an ISO 8601 format as per the XML Schema dateTime primitive type.


Contains a list of words used as a search criteria for the model.


Contains revision information for the model.


Contains a description of the topical subject of the model.


Contains title information for the model.


Contains descriptive information about the coordinate system of the geometric data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition. Valid values are X_UP, Y_UP, or Z_UP.


The name of the distance unit. For example, "meter", "centimeter", "inches", or "parsec". This can be the real name of a measurement, or an imaginary name.


How many real-world meters in one distance unit as a floating-point number. For example, 1.0 for the name "meter"; 1000 for the name "kilometer"; 0.3048 for the name "foot".


The name of this contributor.


The name of the authoring tool used by this contributor. (e.g., "Google SketchUp 7.1.4871")


Comments from this contributor.


Copyright information for this contributor.


A URI reference to the source data used by this contributor.