Writer Directives

The suffixes shown are prefixed by the current <WriterKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <WriterKeyword> for the ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer is ARCGISONLINEFEATURES_OUT.


This parameter specifies the username for authenticating with ArcGIS Online.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_USER <user>

Workbench Parameter



This parameter specifies the password for authenticating with ArcGIS Online.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_PASSWORD <password>

Workbench Parameter



This directive allows the selection of format attributes to be explicitly added to the reader feature type.

This is similar to exposing format attributes on a reader feature type once it has been generated; however, it is even more powerful because it enables schema-driven applications other than Workbench to access and leverage these attributes as if they were explicitly on the schema as user attributes.

The result of picking a list of attributes is a comma-separated list of attribute names and types that will be added to the schema features. Currently all reader feature types will receive the same set of additional schema attributes for a given instance of the reader.



Mapping File Syntax

Not applicable.

While it is possible for FME Objects applications to invoke this directive, the required format is not documented.

This directive is intended for use in our GUI applications (for example, Workbench) only.

Workbench Parameter

Additional Attributes to Expose


This directive specifies the Feature Service to be written to. It takes the form of “folder or group name/feature service name”, and optionally suffixed with the Feature Service item ID if the name is ambiguous. The Feature Service’s item ID is alphanumeric. The provided name and/or ID must match a Feature Service item on ArcGIS Online.

If the specified Feature Service does not exist, it will be created. Refer to the Writer Overview for details.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_FEATURESERVICE “<folder or group>/<feature service name> (<feature service item ID>)”

Workbench Parameter

Feature Service


Each ArcGIS Online Feature Service layer must have fields defined for records to be written. If the Feature Service already exists, then all DEF lines must match an existing layer in the Feature Service, and all field names and field types must match the schema of the corresponding layer. Creating new layers in an existing Feature Service is not supported at this time.

The syntax of the definition is:

The syntax of the definition is:
 	[arcgisonline_mode (INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)] \
 	[arcgisonline_type (arcgisonline_point|arcgisonline_multipoint|arcgisonline_polyline|arcgisonline_polygon)] \
[arcgisonline_truncate_layer (YES|NO)] \
[arcgisonline_rollback_on_failure (YES|NO)] \
      [<fieldName> <fieldType>] +
Parameter Contents

The name and/or ID of the layer to be written. The recognized forms are:

  • layer name
  • layer ID
  • layer name (layer ID)

If the Feature Service exists, then values must match an existing layer on the selected Feature Service. Otherwise, the whole parameter is treated as a name for the purposes of Feature Service and layer creation.


The type of write command to perform. Refer to the Writer Mode Specification section for details. It is an error if the Feature Service does not exist and any of the feature types have a mode that is not INSERT.

Default: INSERT


The geometry type for this layer. This value is used during Feature Service and layer creation.

Every layer must have a geometry type.


If this parameter is set to YES, then the layer will be truncated prior to write. Truncation is accomplished via a deletion call to the server. It is an error if this parameter is set to YES when the Feature Service does not support deletions.

Warning: Truncation is a separate operation from feature writing. If write operations fail and Rollback On Failure is enabled, the truncation operation will not be rolled back.

This parameter has no effect if the Feature Service does not exist.

Default: NO


If this parameter is YES, then any INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation that fails will result in the rollback of all pending changes on the layer.

Not all layers may support the configuration of this behavior. It is an error if the layer does not support the disabling of rollbacks, and the value of this parameter is NO.

This parameter has no effect if the Feature Service does not exist.

Default: YES