Category: Coordinates
Transformers that manipulate coordinates and coordinate systems, including reprojection, georeferencing, warping, and coordinate extraction.
- 2DForcer
- 3DAffiner
- 3DForcer
- Affiner
- ArcGISGridSnapper
- AttributeReprojector
- CenterPointExtractor
- CommonLocalReprojector
- CoordinateConcatenator
- CoordinateExtractor
- CoordinateRounder
- CoordinateSwapper
- CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter
- CoordinateSystemExtractor
- CoordinateSystemRemover
- CoordinateSystemSetter
- CsmapAttributeReprojector
- CsmapReprojector
- DecimalDegreesCalculator
- DimensionExtractor
- DMSCalculator
- ElevationExtractor
- EsriReprojector
- GridInQuestIIReprojector
- GtransAttributeReprojector
- GtransReprojector
- LatLongToMGRSConverter
- LocalCoordinateSystemSetter
- MGRSToLatLongConverter
- PROJAttributeReprojector
- PROJReprojector
- RasterGCPExtractor
- RasterGCPSetter
- RasterGeoreferencer
- ReframeReprojector
- ReprojectAngleCalculator
- ReprojectLengthCalculator
- Reprojector
- RubberSheeter
- Scaler
- SecondOrderConformer
- TextureCoordinateSetter
- VertexCounter
- VertexNormalGenerator
- VertexNormalRemover
- VertexRemover