OpenStreetMap (OSM) Protocolbuffer Binary Format (PBF) Feature Representation

Features read from OSMPBF file consist of geometry and a series of attribute values. The attribute names are as defined in the workspace. Features being returned may include additional attributes that do not appear on the reader schema, since each OSM element can include an arbitrary set of OSM tags. OSMPBF attribute values are stored in UTF-8 encoding.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name


osmpbf_changeset The 32-bit integer identifier of the last OSM changeset that included modifications to the element.

The 64-bit integer identifier for the OSM element.

IDs are unique within each element type. Therefore there will be no two “node” features with the same ID; however, a “node” feature may have the same ID as a “way” feature.


The time at which the OSM element was last modified.

Timestamps are converted to FME datetime string format.


(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second)

If a timezone is specified, then the offset from GMT is included at the end of the string in the format:


(Plus or Minus, Hour, Minute)

osmpbf_type The type of geometric entity stored within the feature. The valid values are detailed in the Geometry table below.

The 32-bit integer identifier of the OSM user who last modified the element.

osmpbf_user The username of the OSM user who last modified the element.

The 32-bit integer version number of the OSM element.

This number represents the number of times the element has been modified.





Point feature


Linear feature


Simple polygon or donut feature


Feature with multiple geometries

osmpbf_no_geom Feature with no geometry

Attribute Type Mapping

OSMPBF Attribute Type

FME Attribute Type

string fme_buffer
string fme_varchar(width)
string fme_char(width)
string fme_xml
string fme_json
string fme_binarybuffer
string fme_binary(width)
string fme_varbinary(width)
datetime fme_datetime
datetime fme_date
datetime fme_time
double fme_real64
double fme_real32
double fme_decimal(width, precision)
string fme_uint64
int64 fme_int64
int64 fme_uint32
int32 fme_int32
int32 fme_unt16
int32 fme_int16
int32 fme_uint8
int32 fme_int8
string fme_boolean