You are here: New formats for 2018 > Bentley i-model Interchange Format Reader (Technology Preview)

Bentley i-model Interchange Format Reader (Technology Preview)

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

Technology Preview

Note: This format is still under active development, so please expect changes to the current behavior. We do not recommend using this format in production environments.

The Bentley i-model reader enables FME to read i-models, which are single files that contain geometry, properties, and business data.

The Bentley i-model Reader allows FME to access files used as an interchange format for Bentley and third party applications.

Format Version and Information

FME supports i-models with a file extension of *.i.dgn which most applications and plug-ins will generate by default.

Note: FME does not currently support i-models with a file extension of *.imodel. Please contact FME support if you require this enhancement.

Reader Overview

The input dataset is a Bentley i-model file. The reader will create Features that represent the Elements contained within. Each Feature will contain attribute values that represent the properties of a given Element.