KML Writer Feature Type Parameters
To access feature type parameters, click the gear icon on a feature type in the workspace to open the Feature Type Parameter Editor. To always display the editor in Workbench, you can select View > Windows > Parameter Editor.
All feature types share similar General parameters, which may include the Feature Type Name, Reader or Writer Name, and Geometry.
In most Writer Feature Type parameter dialogs, you can also control Dynamic Schema Definitions. Some database formats accept a Table Qualifier prefix on the output table feature type.
See Editing Writer Feature Types for more information.
These parameters apply only to a selected feature type, not to the entire writer.
Tip: If a feature type parameter listed here conflicts with a writer-level parameter, then the writer parameter will be ignored and this feature type parameter will be used.

Specifies the icon to use for information point icons for the current feature. Click the browse button beside the parameter field to view the available icons.
You can also enter a value that is either the full path to an icon, or the name of an icon in $(FME_HOME)/icons.
If no value is specified, the information point icon will not be created.

Specifies the color for each information point icon.
Valid values are any fme color specification.
For more information, see Controlling Features with Format Attributes.

Specifies the fill color.
Valid values are any fme color specification.
For more information, see Controlling Features with Format Attributes.

Specifies the fill opacity. Valid values are 0 to 1.

Specifies the pen color.
Valid values: Any fme color specification.
For more information, see Controlling Features with Format Attributes.

Specifies the pen opacity.
Valid values: 0 to 1.

The name of the attribute that will be used to sort features within the folder that corresponds to the feature type. Only applies to user-defined feature types.
If unspecified, the order of the features will be in the original arrival order.

Specifies whether or not the description, snippet, and balloon text elements should be wrapped in a CDATA block.
Values: Yes | No
Default: Yes

Determines whether or not user-defined attributes will be included in the feature’s description field. The value of the Use HTML Description Fields parameter will determine if the attributes, and their corresponding values, will be displayed using a HTML table, or a series of colon-separated key-value pairs.
Values: Yes | No
Default: Yes

This parameter specifies an alternative filename for the root document if the dataset is either a KMZ file or a folder. Use of this parameter may result in a dataset that is unreadable by Google Earth.