You are here: Workbench Basics > User Interface Reference > FME Options > Transformers


Select Tools > FME Options and click the Transformers icon.

Display Options

Display transformer version

With new releases of FME, transformers are sometimes upgraded to include new functionality. If you have a large workspace whose history spans multiple FME versions, it may also span multiple transformer versions.

Previous versions of transformers will work the same way they always did, but you might also find it useful to enable the transformer tooltips and Navigator window to show the transformer version (especially if you have different versions of the same transformer). In this example, the version of the AttributeCopier transformer used in this workspace is 2. The version available in the current installation is 5 (that is, if a new AttributeCopier was added, it would be version 5).

For more information, see Working with Transformer Versions.

Use Drag-and-Insert Transformers

Enables a feature that allows you to drop a transformer onto an existing connection. The selections for multiple input ports and multiple output ports will be the default port connections.

Quick Add Options

  • Show Quick Add on first keypress: Enables the Quick Add search functionality on the Workbench canvas.
  • Auto connect after Quick Add: If you select a Feature Type before initiating the Quick Add search, the transformer will connect automatically to the feature type.
  • Quick Add placement follows mouse: The transformer will be placed underneath your cursor.

Text Editor Preferences

These settings apply to Transformer Parameter menus:

  • String Concatenator: Use Advanced Text Editor: This setting determines which text editor opens by default in the parameters dialog of the StringConcatenator transformer.
  • Replace Tabs With Spaces: Replace tab characters with spaces.
  • Default Indentation Width: Sets the number of spaces used to replace tabs. The default is 4.