FME Flow: 2025.0
Select Engine Management > Engines.
Use the Engines tab of the Engine Management page to perform the following tasks on your FME Engines:
- Configuring the Number of FME Engines to Start (below).
- Configuring Job Recovery (below)
- View the jobs history of your engines: Select an engine. In the right pane, select the Jobs tab. To refresh the history, click the refresh icon.
- View the properties defined on your engines. Properties are useful when configuring engine assignment rules for Queue Control and Streams. Select an engine. In the right pane, select the Properties tab.
Configuring the Number of FME Engines to Start
Under Standard Engines or CPU-Usage Engines, click Edit. (Alternatively, from the Overview page, under Hosts, click View All.) On the Hosts page, click Edit. Move the cursor over the Standard Engines or CPU-Usage Engines field for the Engine host you want to configure. Use the up/down arrows to change the number of starting engines as desired. Click Save.
When configuring the number of FME Engines to start, consider the following:
- Dynamic Engines are not configured to start by default. Once started, they are initially assigned to the Default job queue, and charged only for time during which they run jobs.
- Changes on the Engines page are requested through port 7500, by default. To process these requests, it may be necessary to configure a rule in the firewall settings of machines hosting FME Engines to allow open communication through port 7500. To change the port number through which these requests are processed, use the NODE_ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT directive in the processMonitorConfigEngines.txt and fmeFlowConfig.txt configuration files.
Configuring Job Recovery
After FME Flow submits a translation request to an FME Engine, it monitors the connection to that engine until a response is returned. If the connection to the engine is lost, or the engine crashes, FME Flow can resubmit a job to the next available FME Engine in the queue.
By default, job recovery is disabled. You can enable job recovery and configure the number of times a job can be resubmitted.
To Configure Job Recovery
Click Configure. On the Engine Setting dialog, set Job Retries to the desired number of times any transaction is resubmitted before FME Flow stops resending the request. A value of -1 means that no maximum limit is imposed, and requests are resubmitted indefinitely. The default value of 0 means that automatic resubmission is disabled.
To enable the setting, click Apply.