FME Flow: 2025.0

System Events

Select System Configuration > System Events.

Note  To access this page, you must have Manage permission on System Events. For more information, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.

FME Flow publishes messages about significant events, such as when a repository is created, or a system backup is performed. To see all events and their descriptions, select System Events > Configurations. For more information about the events, see Event Descriptions (below).

All events send messages by default. You can disable and enable which events are enabled as desired. On the Configuration page, select the events you want to configure, and click Actions > Enable or Disable.

Some events are configurable. For example, you can adjust when the License Expiry event begins sending messages. On the Configurations page, click on the License Expiry event. On the Configuration: License Expiry page, adjust the Days Before License Expiry field, and click Save.

Monitoring System Events

You can monitor system events in the following ways:

  • Send email notifications whenever an event occurs. To configure:
    1. Ensure that System Email settings are configured.
    2. Click on an event type you want to monitor. On the Configuration page for that event, make sure Enable Configuration and Send Email Notifications are both enabled.
    3. Where applicable, configure any Notification Schedule settings specific to the event. For example, the Low Credit event requires you to configure Credit Hours Remaining.
    4. Complete the fields under Email Settings, where applicable:
      • Email To, Email Cc, Email Bcc - Corresponds to the "To", "CC", and "BCC" fields, respectively, in standard email messages. Separate multiple recipients with commas. For example:,,
      • Email Subject: Corresponds to the "Subject" field in standard email messages.
      • Email Format: The format of the email, either plain Text or HTML.
      • Email Template: The message body to use for delivery. This is a template that allows the use of various tags that are replaced with dynamic information before delivery. For more information, see Email Template Language.
    5. Click Save.
  • In an Automations workflow that is initiated by one or more FME Flow System Event triggers. For example, this workflow notifies an Amazon SQS queue every time a repository is created:
  • For more information, see Automations.

  • On the System Events History page. Select History under System Events to see a history of all enabled events.
  • When viewing the System Events History page, keep in mind the following:

    • Use the Type field to filter by event type.
    • By default, this page displays events from the previous one week. To change, configure System Event History under System Cleanup > Scheduled Cleanup.
    • If your Distributed/Fault Tolerant Installation of FME Flow does not use a PostgreSQL database server for the FME Flow Database, the Date column may not reflect millisecond precision. As a result, event Id's may appear in random or reverse order.

Event Descriptions