FME Flow: 2025.0

FME Engines

FME Engines process job requests by running FME workspaces. Each FME Engine processes a single job request at a time. You can scale FME Flow to run concurrent jobs by adding additional FME Engines to the same computer or to separate computers on your network.

FME Engines are the component of FME Flow that is licensed. If FME Engines are not licensed, the Web User Interface and the Web Services appear to function—that is, FME Flow jobs queue up—but no jobs complete. To license FME Engines, see Licensing. To manage your licensed engines, use the Engines page in the Web User Interface.

There are two types of engine licenses:

  • Standard: Fixed licenses that are purchased per engine. Once purchased, a standard engine is available to run jobs for the duration of the license period.
  • Dynamic (CPU Usage): Engines that are licensed by CPU time. Dynamic Engines are enabled by purchasing credits, which are deducted only for the time that an engine CPU spends actively processing jobs. One credit equals one hour of engine CPU time. When used in conjunction with Queue Control, Dynamic Engines can be a cost-effective alternative to standard engines in certain scenarios, such as variable bursts of incoming data, or when you need to offload jobs waiting in queue for standard engines. Dynamic Engines are available only in addition to standard licensing—that is, you must have at least one standard engine license to enable licensing for Dynamic Engines. However, once you purchase credits, you can start and run as many Dynamic Engines as you want.

For more information about licensing FME Engines:

See Also