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Use-Mappings Element (implicit arguments)

The value for a <parmval> expression element in a mapping rule may also be supplied by named arguments. These named arguments in the use-mappings do not need equivalent parameters declared in the mapping rule’s signature.

Implicit arguments in are defined with the optional <implicit-args> element. Each argument is defined with an <arg> element. The <arg> element has a name attribute that defines the name of the argument:

      <arg name=”…”> … some expression sequence … </arg>
      <arg name=”…”> … some expression sequence … </arg>       
   <use name=”…”> … </use>
   <use name=”…”> … </use>

The implicit arguments are common to every mapping rule specified in the use-mappings. Thus, every mapping rule refer to by the <use> element may access the value of an implicit named argument via a <parmval> expression element.