Teradata Non-Spatial User Attributes

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all readers, see:

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

User attributes for this format are defined below.

Name The name of the field to be written.

Choose one of the following field types.


Represents 64-bit signed integers, in the range of 2^63+1 to 2^63-1.


Represents a variable length Binary Large Object (BLOB), used to store binary data of up to 2097088000 bytes.


Represents a fixed-length binary object up to a length of 64000 bytes.


Represents a 8-bit (1-byte) signed integer, in the range of 128 to 127.


Represents a fixed length character string. The maximum length depends on the server character set: 32000 bytes (KANJISJIS) or 32000 characters (UNICODE/GRAPHIC) or 64000 characters (LATIN).


Represents a variable length Character Large Object (CLOB), up to a length of1048544000 characters for UNICODE server character set, or 2097088000 characters for LATIN server character set.


Represents date data from January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999.

See Standard FME Date and Time Format.


Represents a decimal number with a fixed number of up to 38 digits.


Represents a 64-bit floating precision number.


This type is used to represent 32-bit signed integers from 2^31+1 to 2^31-1.


Represents text or binary JSON documents. If the storage format is text, the maximum length is 16776192 LATIN characters or 8388096 UNICODE characters. If the storage format is BSON or UBJSON, the maximum length is 16776192 bytes.


Represents a fixed or floating point decimal.


This type is used to represent 16-bit signed integers from -2^15+1 to 2^15-1.


This type is used to represent time data with an accuracy of up to 1 microsecond.

See Standard FME Date and Time Format.


This type is used to represent date and time data from January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999 with an accuracy of up to 1 microsecond.

See Standard FME Date and Time Format.


This type is used to represent date and time with time zone data and an accuracy of up to 1 microsecond.

See Standard FME Date and Time Format.


This type is used to represent time with time zone data in the range of 00:00:00 to 24:00:00.

See Standard FME Date and Time Format.


Represents a variable-length of binary data up to a length of 64000 bytes.


Represents variable-length character data. The maximum length depends on the server character set: up to a length of 32000 bytes (KANJISJIS) or 32000 characters (UNICODE/GRAPHIC) or 64000 characters (LATIN).


Represents XML content of up to 2 gigabytes.


The types of indexes and constraints to create for the column.

Indexes and constraints are created only if the table is created. Each index and constraint contains only one column.

The valid values for the column type are listed below:

PrimaryIndex: Applies primary index constraint.

PrimaryIndexNotNull: Applies primary index and non-nullable constraints.

PrimaryKeyNotNull: Applies non-nullable and unique constraints on a column that is used as a primary key for the table. Only one primary key is allowed per table.

UniqueNotNull: Applies non-nullable and unique constraints.

NotNull: Applies non-nullable constraint.