Microsoft SharePoint List Writer Parameters
Service Connection

Enter the domain of the SharePoint site, e.g.

Enter a Sharepoint account username.
When using Basic or NTLM authentication for connecting to a SharePoint Server site, providing the domain of the machine along with the username is optional, but recommended. The writer will attempt to automatically find the domain if it is not initially provided.
The username format for Basic and NTLM is domain\user (for example, safe\developer1).

Enter the password for the specified user.

Indicates the method by which the user credentials are validated to the SharePoint site.
- SharePoint Online: Select SAML authentication.
- SharePoint Server: Select Basic, NTLM, or Kerberos authentication, depending on the configuration of the specified SharePoint site.
New in FME version 2015.1: Kerberos authentication, also known as Windows Authentication (only supported on Windows).
When Kerberos authentication is selected and supported by the server, the current user’s domain account is used, and the Username and Password fields are ignored.