MongoDB Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Features read from MongoDB consist of geometry and a series of attribute values. The feature type of each Elasticsearch feature is as defined in the Reader Feature Type parameters.

Features written to MongoDB have the destination database as their feature type, and attributes as defined in the MongoDB Writer: Feature Type Parameters.

MongoDB attribute names and values support full UTF-8.

MongoDB attribute types are listed in MondoDB User Attributes.

Attribute Type Mapping

MongoDB Attribute Type

FME Attribute Type

string fme_buffer
string fme_varchar(width)
string fme_char(width)
string fme_xml
string fme_json
binary fme_binarybuffer
binary fme_binary(width)
binary fme_varbinary(width)
date fme_datetime
date fme_date
date fme_time
int64 fme_int64
string fme_uint64
int32 fme_int32
int64 fme_uint32
int32 fme_int16
int32 fme_uint16
int32 fme_int8
int32 fme_uint8
double fme_real64
double fme_real32
double fme_decimal(width,precision)
boolean fme_boolean




mongodb_none FME Feature with no geometry
mongodb_point Point feature
mongodb_linestring Linear feature
mongodb_polygon Simple polygon or donut feature
mongodb_geometry_collection Feature with multiple geometries
mongodb_multipoint Feature with multiple heterogeneous point geometries
mongodb_multilinestring Feature with multiple line geometries
mongodb_multipolygon Feature with multiple polygon geometries
mongodb_geometry All geometries allowed