Metria AutoKa Transfer File (FF) Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

FF features consist of geometry and attribute information. All FF FME features contain the ff_type attribute to identify the geometric type, as well as many common attributes. The attribute ff_type is required when writing to FF.

Attribute Name



The FF geometric type of this entity.


  • ff_point
  • ff_line
  • ff_polygon
  • ff_text
  • ff_group
  • ff_cluster

Default: No default

Depending on the geometric type, the feature contains additional attributes that are specific to the geometric type. These are described in the following topics:

Format Attributes

The following table lists all the common FF attributes that are returned on all features produced by the FME reader. If these attributes are present on any feature that is written out to FF, they will be used to set the appropriate values in the output file.

Attribute Name



The type of vector. This is required to be present on all features written to FF. When reading FF files, the value will be one of the following:

  • ff_point
  • ff_line
  • ff_polygon
  • ff_text
  • ff_group
  • ff_cluster

Range: Character string


The record variant. 0 or 32767 = a normal record. (At present there are only normal records.)

Range: Integer


This indicates that the record is to be checked into an SDb and/or a GdB. A GdB feature is a feature that can be checked into both an SDb and into a GdB. An SDb feature can only be checked into a Server Database (not into a GdB).

0 = GdB feature

Must not be checked in and has not been changed since last check-in

1 = GdB feature

Must be checked in as new or changed. This is the only value that is accepted by a GdB.

2 = SDb feature

Must be checked in as new or changed

3 = Server Database feature

Must not be checked in and has not been changed since last check-in

Range: Integer


The unique creation number for this feature. This ID is set when reading FF files and ignored if set when writing FF files.

Range: Unique integer > 0


The unique creation number for this feature. This ID is set to the same value as fnr when reading FF files. When writing FF files, this value is given as the creation number for this feature, overriding any unique creation number the FME may want to calculate and give this feature automatically. This is potentially dangerous, as it may cause invalid FF files to be written with poor choices for this value. The user may set an fnr ID to a feature that has already been assigned automatically to a previous feature.

Range: Unique integer > 0


The detail type; for example, fastid

Range: to a maximum length of 10 characters


The file type in AutoKa-PC:

0 = simple detail

1 = compound detail

Range: Integer


The external ID; for example, 3180>BERGA>1:59>1

Range: To a maximum length of 64 characters.


The format of the external ID having the following valid values:

0 = none

1 = name

A name must not look like a designation or property designation.

2 = designation

“Area * Detail type * Running number”

The running number has a maximum value of 2147483647. Running number is numerical, others are alphanumeric.

3 = property designation

The ID is a string with a maximum length of 64 characters which is divided into nine partial strings separated by special characters.This Boolean flag indicates if this object is a line resulting from a combination. Maximum size is 3 characters.

Range: Integer


If the external ID contains a name (for example, extidfmt=1), the name will be stored in this attribute.

Range: To a maximum of 64 characters


If the external ID contains a designation (for example, extidfmt=2) or has a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the area.

Range: Character string


If the external ID contains a designation (for example, extidfmt=2), this attribute will hold the detail type.

Range: To a maximum of 62 characters


If the external ID contains a designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the running number.

Range: Integer


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the district code.

Range: Integer


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the subdistrict.

Range: Character string


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the block.

Range: Character string


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the unit.

Range: Character string


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the spec.

Range: Character string


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the additional information portion.

Range: Single character


If the external ID contains a property designation (for example, extidfmt=3), this attribute will hold the number of areas.

Range: Integer


The date when the last change was made. This is a character string in the form:

1997-11-25, 21:14

Range: Character string


The signature of the last change.

Range: To a maximum number of 8 characters


The date from which the changes became valid. This is a character string in the form:

1997-11-25, 21:14

Range: Character string


The signature of the person who created this file.

Range: To a maximum number of 8 characters


The action flag on the feature, having the following possible values:

0 = normal position

1 = deleted

no longer valid

2 = wiped

the record has been physically removed from the GdB

3 = deleted with gdat

4 = date set by user in gdat

This is not changed when checking in.

5 = set

gdat is not changed when checking in.

6 = registered

gdat is not changed when checking in.

7 = updated

This flag should only be used with records that are to be stored in the GdB and never with records that come from the GdB.

Range: Integer