Autodesk FBX Writer Parameters
Coordinate System
Note that not all formats offer all the options described below.
- Yes: Coordinates of all the points in the written features will be normalized to the interval [-0.5, 0.5] on the largest side of their XYZ-bounding cube. The other dimensions will be scaled proportionally.
Additionally, the transformation matrix required to scale the model back to world coordinates will be written to a companion .fwt file. This can be used to improve precision of the written coordinates. The companion .fwt file will have the same name as the primary data file and will be written in the same folder. For folder-based formats, the file global.fwt will be written instead.
- No: The original coordinates will be written as provided. Coordinates will not be projected; .fwt world and .prj files will not be generated.
- Create Projection File Only: A companion .prj file containing the coordinate system and having the same name as the primary data file will be written in the same folder. For folder-based formats, the file global.prj will be written instead. Coordinates will not be projected and a world file will not be generated.
- Transform Coordinates Only: Transforms the coordinates as in the Yes option, but companion .prj and .fwt world files will not be generated.
Writer Parameters
Different versions of the FBX format exist, and both ASCII and binary are supported.
This parameter allows selection of the desired version. This can be useful if the written file is going to be consumed by an older application (some apps have been observed to support FBX 7.x but not 6.x).
If the value is Yes, and the Output Format supports it (only FBX 6.1 ASCII does not), texture files will be embedded in the created .fbx file.
Otherwise, each texture will be written to its own file in a subfolder next to the .fbx file. The subfolder will have the same base name as the .fbx file, and the extension .fbm.