E00 (Esri ArcInfo Coverage/Esri ArcInfo Export) Writer: User Attributes

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all readers, see:

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

The attribute names for an E00 file must be uppercase, and must not exceed 16 characters in length.

The file name of the physical E00 file is constructed by appending the .e00 suffix to its baseName. Binary coverages are written as a folder named baseName. Coverage names are always truncated to contain 13 or fewer characters, and converted to lowercase letters, when forming output folder names.

The following table defines the supported attributes.

Attribute Type



Fixed-length character string. The width parameter controls the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the field. When a character field is written, it is right-padded with blanks, or truncated, to fit the width.

width must be between 1 and 320, inclusive.


Character string with a default maximum length (currently set to 320). This type should be used only for testing purposes, and not for production mapping files; for most cases, use the char(<width>) form above.


Character string representing a date. Attributes of type date must have exactly eight characters, and be of the form YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the day of the month (01-31).


Integer field. The optional width parameter specifies the display width of the field within ArcInfo.

width must be between 1 and 16, inclusive. Representable numbers are those in the range of -999,999,999,999 to 9,999,999,999,999,998, inclusive.


Numeric data displayed with a field width of width and dec decimal positions. The value of width must allow for any minus sign and decimal point in the number, and must be in the range of 1 to 16, inclusive. The value of dec must be between 0 and 14, inclusive.




Integer value, to be stored in ArcInfo as a binary number instead of character data. If the optional size parameter is specified, it specifies the number of bytes of storage (2 or 4 bytes) ArcInfo will use to store the value. The optional width parameter specifies the display width for ArcInfo to use. The size will default to 4bytes, and the display width will default to 5 for a 4-byte integer, or 4 for a 2-byte integer.

size must be either 2 or four. width may be any integer between 1 and 6 when size is 2, or between 1 and 11 if size is 4.



Floating point number, to be stored in ArcInfo as a four-byte binary number instead of as character data. The width and prec parameters define the display width and number of decimals for ArcInfo to use.

A float field retains up to 9 digits of precision; only zero and numbers with a magnitude between 1.175494351e-38 and 3.402823466e+38 may be represented as float values.



Floating point number, to be stored in ArcInfo as an eight-byte binary number instead of as character data. The width and prec parameters define the display width and number of decimals for ArcInfo to use.

A double field retains up to 17 digits of precision; only zero and numbers with a magnitude between 2.225073858507201e-308 and 1.7975931348623158e+308 may be represented as double values.

redefined(<offset>, <length>, 

A redefined field specifies a subfield of another field within the same info file. The features written to an info file with redefined fields do not actually have attributes named for the redefined fields; the resulting E00 file defines the field in such a way that ArcInfo interprets the value of the redefined field as byte positions offset to (offset + length - 1) of the specified fieldName. Offsets are zero-relative, so an offset value of 1 actually refers to the second character of the named field.

Technical Reference