Data File Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), a Data File feature consists of the following attributes:

Attribute Name


data_file_data The line of text read from the source file or to be written to the destination file.

The geometry type of the data file.

This will always be data_file_none.


Total number of bytes in data_file_data attribute.

(Reader only)


Line number of the text line within the file.

(Reader only)

data_file_eol The end of line type identifier which will be read per source file and can be specified per feature and thus per destination data file.

Data File user attributes are not supported. All known format attributes have a fixed range of values except for the actual file data in data_file_data, which is treated as a stream of raw bytes.

Data File Attribute Type FME Attribute Type
char(width) fme_varchar(width)
char(width) fme_char(width)
buffer fme_buffer
char(1) fme_char
number(width, decimal) fme_decimal(width, decimal)
char(20) fme_datetime
char(8) fme_date
char(12) fme_time
number(11,0) fme_int32
number(11,0) fme_uint32
number(20,0) fme_int64
number(20,0) fme_uint64
number(6,0) fme_int16
number(6,0) fme_uint16
number(4,0) fme_uint8
number(15,7) fme_real32
number(31,15) fme_real64
logical fme_boolean