CouchDB Writer Parameters
Database Connection
The Service URL of the CouchDB dataset to access. This can be:
This parameter is required. The leading http:// is optional. Only the host name is required, usually followed by a port number. For example:
Enter the username and password to access the database, user account, or wherever authentication is required.
If no authentication is required, these parameters are optional.
Table Settings
- All_Users (default setting): Database will be modifiable by any user who is logged in.
- Admin_Users: Database will be modifiable only by administrative users.
- Public: Database will be modifiable by anyone, even those who are not logged into an account.
This parameter determines how many features are pushed to the remote server at a time.
Setting a high value for the transaction size can result in increased performance, since there can be significant overhead associated with each network request.
The default is 1000.
This parameter determines whether or not newly created tables will be interpreted as containing valid GeoJSON.
If the new table is intended to contain other data in addition to GeoJSON, set this parameter to No. This parameter is disabled if Write Raw JSON is set to Yes.