Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Format Attributes

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes listed below upon reading.

Format Attribute


arcgisonline_objectid Object ID for the feature.
arcgisonline_globalid Global ID for the feature, if any.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.id Attachment ID.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.globalid Attachment Global ID, if any.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.size Attachment size, in bytes.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.name Attachment filename.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.content_type Attachment MIME type.
arcgisonline_attachment{}.data Binary representation of attachment data.

Geometry Types

Geometry Type


arcgisonline_point A single point.
arcgisonline_multipoint An aggregate of one or more points.
arcgisonline_polyline A single line, a set of lines that form a continuous path, or a set of lines that are disjoint.
arcgisonline_polygon A single polygon, a donut polygon, or a multi-area comprised of single polygons, donuts, or both.
arcgisonline_no_geom Features from tables have no geometry, whereas features from layers do.