You are here: Administrator's Guide > Securing FME Server > Connecting to Active Directory > Enabling fmesuperuser Privileges in Active Directory

Enabling fmesuperuser Privileges in Active Directory

FME Server includes the fmesuperuser role, which allows full access to all server resources. It is not possible to map an Active Directory user account or security group to this role in the same manner as other roles. Here is how to enable fmesuperuser privileges with Active Directory:

  1. Open the FME Server configuration file, fmeCommonConfig.txt, located in the Server subdirectory of your FME Server install directory.
  2. Under the Security Management heading, locate the following line :

    And replace fmesuperuser with the Active Directory distinguished name (DN) of the user account or security group that should have fmesuperuser privileges.


    Note: Syntax is case-sensitive.

  4. Restart FME Server. All the users who are part of the specified Active Directory security group now have fmesuperuser privileges.