You are here: Administrator's Guide > Installation Options > Silent Installation (Windows)

Performing a Silent Installation (Windows)

You can perform a silent installation of FME Server by running an installer from a Windows command line, and overriding any default installation properties to customize the installation.

The following table lists the installation properties that you can set in advance, and their default values if left unset. These properties correspond to properties that can be adjusted in the user dialogs of a standard installation.

Property Default Value Description
FMESERVERHOSTNAME The Computer Name on which the installer is running Host name for this installation of FME Server.
INSTALLDIR C:\Program Files\FMEServer or C:\apps\FMEServer The FME Server install directory. If you change this value the path must end in "\". For example, INSTALLDIR=C:\apps\FMEServer\
INSTALLDISTRIBUTEDREPOSITORY No Whether the FME Server System Share is stored on a separate server and not on the Core machine. Allowed values are Yes and No (case-sensitive).
FMESERVERSHAREDDATA [INSTALLDIR] The path to the FME Server System Share directory.
ADMINUSERNAME admin The user name for the admin account.
ADMINUSERPASSWORD admin The password for the admin account.
ROOTDIR [INSTALLDIR] In a Distributed installation, the path to the root folder on the core machine. In an Engine-only installation, the path to the FME Server System Share directory.
DATABASETYPE Default The type of database that will be used with the FME Server installation. Possible values are Default, MSSQL, Oracle, PostGreSQL. Default installs the built-in PostGreSQL database.
DATABASEHOST [FMESERVERHOSTNAME] The host that the database is on. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not Default.

MSSQL: 1433

PostGreSQL: 5432

Oracle: 1521

The port to connect to the database. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not Default.
ORACLESID   The SID for the Oracle database. Must be specified only if DATABASETYPE is Oracle.
JDBCDRIVER   If your database requires a JDBC driver that Safe does not provide, specify the full path to it here, and it will be copied to the appropriate place in the install directory.
SERVLETTYPE Default The type of Application Server (servlet engine) you will use with FME Server. Possible values are Default, Apache, Oracle, and ServletEXEC. Choosing Default installs the built-in Application Server.
WEBSERVERHOSTNAME [FMESERVERHOSTNAME] The host on which the servlet engine is installed.
SERVLETPORT 80 (if open) The port that the servlet engine host uses or that the built-in Apache server uses. If not specified, the installer checks ports 80, 8080-8085 and use the first one that is not in use.
WEBAPPSDIR [INSTALLDIR]\Utilities\tomcat\webapps The path to the webapps directory for the servlet engine.
NOLOGPREFIX No If Yes, FME Server log file names are not prefixed with the server host name.

Selecting Features to Install

To select which features to install, use the ADDLOCAL property, and specify features in a comma-delimited list. If this property is not specified, all features are installed.

Feature Value
FME Server Core FMEServerCore
Web Services Services
FME Server Console ServerConsole
FME Engine FMEEngine


To install the FME Server Core and FME Engine services:


Installer Flags

The following .msi-specific flags can be passed into the installer:

Flag Description
/q[n|b] Signifies a quiet installation. /qn means quiet with no user interface, and /qb means a quiet installation with a basic progress bar.
/norestart Do not restart the computer after installation.
/l*v <logfile> Enable logging to the <logfile> specified.


The following examples assume you are running a command line from a directory that contains an installer named fme-server-win-x86.msi.

Install with all default options (similar to Express install), with logging enabled

msiexec /i fme-server-win-x86.msi /qb /norestart /l*v installFMEServerLog.txt

Install core only with an FME Server System Share directory on a share on another machine named "\\machine1\share"

msiexec /i fme-server-win-x86.msi ADDLOCAL=FMEServerCore INSTALLDISTRIBUTEDREPOSITORY=Yes FMESERVERSHAREDDATA="\\machine1\share" /qb /norestart /l*v installFMEServerLog.txt

Express install, but with an MSSQL database located on another server

msiexec /i fme-server-win-x86.msi DATABASETYPE=MSSQL DATABASEHOST=DatabaseMachine DATABASEPORT=1433 /qb /norestart /l*v installFMEServerLog.txt

FME Engine-only install, with all other FME Server components on another server named "\\machine1\FMEServerSystemShare"

msiexec /i "fme-server-win-x64.msi" /l*v "install.log" /qb /norestart INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\FMEServer\" ADMINUSERNAME=admin ADMINUSERPASSWORD=admin FMESERVERHOSTNAME="machine1" ADDLOCAL=FMEEngine FMESERVERSHAREDDATA="\\machine1\FMEServerSystemShare\" INSTALLDISTRIBUTEDREPOSITORY=Yes ROOTDIR="\\machine1\FMEServerSystemShare\"