Module fmeobjects :: Class FMERectangleFace
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Class FMERectangleFace

 object --+            
FMEGeometry --+        
     FMESurface --+    
   FMESimpleSurface --+


Create an instance of a Rectangle Face geometry object.


Default FMERectangleFace constructor.

Returns: FMERectangleFace


The rectangle has to be parallel to a coordinate plane (i.e one of XY, XZ, or YZ plane). The first and second points are the either the min and max or max and min points of the rectangle face. If the first point is the min point, then the normal of the rectangle is in the positive direction of the plane it is parallel to..


Returns: FMERectangleFace

init(coordinates, matrix)

The rectangle has to be parallel to a coordinate plane (i.e one of XY, XZ, or YZ plane). The first and second points are the either the min and max or max and min points of the rectangle face. If the first point is the min point, then the normal of the rectangle is in the positive direction of the plane it is parallel to.


Returns: FMERectangleFace


Create a copy of the passed in Rectangle Face geometry object.


Returns: FMERectangleFace

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Returns a copy of this face.
Return a copy of this rectangle's boundary as a line.
tuple of floats
Gets the coordinates of the first point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.
tuple of floats
Gets the coordinates of the second point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.
list of lists of floats
Gets this rectangle face's transformation matrix.
This method determines if the rectangle face has a transformation matrix or not.
Removes this rectangle face's transformation matrix.
setLocalFirstPointXYZ(x, y, z)
Sets the coordinates of the lower point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.
setLocalSecondPointXYZ(x, y, z)
Sets the coordinates of the lower point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.
Sets this rectangle face's transformation matrix, replacing the existing matrix if it exists.

Inherited from FMESimpleSurface: numParts

Inherited from FMESurface: __decIterRef__, __incIterRef__, __iter__, deleteSide, getAppearanceReference, getAsWireFrame, isInPlane, isOriented, isPlanar, offset, orient, reorient, reverse, rotate2D, scale, setAppearanceReference, sideExists

Inherited from FMEGeometry: __getObject__, __new__, boundingBox, boundingCube, bounds, clearMeasures, copyAttributesFromFeature, copyNameFromGeometry, copyTraitsFromGeometry, copyTraitsToFeature, deleteName, force2D, force3D, getArea, getMeasureNames, getName, getTrait, getTraitNames, getTraitNullMissingAndType, getTraitType, hasMeasures, hasName, is3D, isCollection, measureExists, removeMeasure, removeTraits, renameMeasure, setName, setTrait, setTraitNullWithType

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]



x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__



Returns a copy of this face.

Returns: FMEFace
A copy of the face



Return a copy of this rectangle's boundary as a line.

Returns: FMELine
The rectangle face's boundary as a line



Gets the coordinates of the first point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.

Returns: tuple of floats
The coordinate value of the point.



Gets the coordinates of the second point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.

Returns: tuple of floats
The coordinate value of the point.



Gets this rectangle face's transformation matrix. If the rectangle face does not have such a matrix, an identity matrix is returned. Only the top three rows of the matrix will be returned, as he bottom row is always [ 0 0 0 1 ].

Returns: list of lists of floats
The rectangleFace's tranformation matrix, formatted [[dddd][dddd][dddd]].



This method determines if the rectangle face has a transformation matrix or not.

Returns: bool
Returns True if this rectangle face has a transformation matrix, and False otherwise.

setLocalFirstPointXYZ(x, y, z)


Sets the coordinates of the lower point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.

  • x (float) - The x value.
  • y (float) - The y value.
  • z (float) - (Optional) The z value.
Returns: None

setLocalSecondPointXYZ(x, y, z)


Sets the coordinates of the lower point of this rectangular face, prior to transformation.

  • x (float) - The x value.
  • y (float) - The y value.
  • z (float) - (Optional) The z value.
Returns: None



Sets this rectangle face's transformation matrix, replacing the existing matrix if it exists. Only three rows are expected in the input array, as a bottom row of [ 0 0 0 1 ] is assumed.

  • matrix (list of lists of floats) - The transformation matrix, formatted [[dddd][dddd][dddd]].@rtype: None