Feature Representation

Features read from Teradata consist of a series of attribute values and geometry.

The feature type of each feature is as defined on its DEF line. The geometry object model in Teradata follows the OGIS Simple Features Specification 1.1. For more information see http://www.opengis.org.

Features written to the database have the destination table as their feature type, and attributes as defined on the DEF line.

Features read from, or written to, Teradata also have an attribute for each column in the database table. The feature attribute name will be the same as the source or destination column name.

No Coordinates

teradata_type: teradata_none

Features with no coordinates.


teradata_type: teradata_multipoint

Features tagged with this value consist of an aggregate of points.


teradata_type: teradata_line

Features tagged with this value consist of a single of line.


teradata_type: teradata_multiline

Features tagged with this value consist of an aggregate of lines.


teradata_type: teradata_polygon

Features tagged with this value consist of a single polygon.


teradata_type: teradata_multipolygon

Features tagged with this value consist of an aggregate of polygons.


teradata_type: teradata_collection

Features tagged with this value consist of an aggregate of heterogeneous geometries.