You are here: New Formats for 2016+Elastic Elasticsearch Reader/Writer

Elastic Elasticsearch Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.


FME provides read and write access to indexes on Elasticsearch clusters. FME treats each type in a Elasticsearch index as a feature type. Each document of a type is treated as a feature, and each field in a document is treated as an attribute.

Elasticsearch is an open source full-text search index. Elasticsearch indexes are JSON document stores that supports LonLat or GeoJSON geometry.

More information about Elasticsearch can be found at

Format Usage Notes

  • Writer: Each Elasticsearch document has a unique Document ID. This ID can be specified on a feature with an attribute selected in the Writer Feature Type Parameters. If a document with that ID already exists, then the translation will fail.

Reader Overview

The Elasticsearch reader supports reading multiple types from the same Elasticsearch index. Because of this, a separate reader must be created for each Elasticsearch index.

The types must be defined in the workspace before they can be read.

Writer Overview

The Elasticsearch writer stores documents into a type associated with a Elasticsearch index. The Elasticsearch writer provides the following capabilities:

Type Creation

The Elasticsearch writer uses the information within the FME workspace to automatically create Elasticsearch types as required. A type will be created when the first input feature is processed. If no features are sent to a feature type, then the corresponding type will not be created.

Overwrite Index

If the Overwrite Index parameter for the writer is set to Yes, then the writer will drop and re-create the index before writing any features to it.

Indices will be overwritten when the first input feature is processed. If no features are sent to any of the writer’s feature types, then the corresponding index will not be overwritten.

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