
svg_type: svg_point

Point features can have one or more coordinates. All point features are usually output as SVG path elements. Single, non-aggregate, point features may also be output by an SVG use element that references another element whose graphical content is to be drawn at the position of the single point:

Attribute Name



This format attribute only applies to single point features. If it is present and non-empty in a single point feature then the point feature is written out with a SVG use rather than a SVG path element. The value of the svg_use attribute must be a valid href location because this value is directly copied into the use element’s xlink:href attribute. The single coordinate of the point is also transferred onto the use element’s x and y attributes. The element referenced by the the SVG use element may be predefined in an FME SVG writer template file, see the writer’s TEMPLATE keyword.

Range: string

Default: Empty String