Feature Representation
In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), special FME feature attributes direct the SQLite3 writer as it adds features to its output files, and are used by the SQLite3 reader to store the characteristics of the features it reads.
The most important of these is the fdo_type attribute, which controls the overall interpretation of the feature.
The correct values for fdo_type are
- fdo_point
- fdo_multipoint
- fdo_curve
- fdo_line
- fdo_arc
- fdo_multicurve
- fdo_multiline
- fdo_curvepolygon
- fdo_polygon
- fdo_ellipse
- fdo_multicurvepolygon
- fdo_multipolygon
- fdo_null
The parameters specified for each of these are described below.
fdo_type: fdo_point
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_point contain point features.
fdo_type: fdo_multipoint
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_multipoint contain multiple point features.
fdo_type: fdo_curve
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_curve contain curve features consisting of curve segments. A curve segment may be a circular arc segment or a linear line segment.
fdo_type: fdo_line
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_line contain linear line features. If the writer receives a feature with the fdo_type set to fdo_line, the writer will, if possible, stroke arc segments in the feature and write the feature as a linear line.
fdo_type: fdo_multicurve
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_multicurve contain multiple curve features.
fdo_type: fdo_multiline
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_multiline contain multiple linear line features. If the writer receives line features with arc segments, the writer will stroke the arc segments before writing the features to the file.
fdo_type: fdo_curvepolygon
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_curvepolygon contain polygons with inner and outer boundaries defined by curve segments. A curve segment may be a circular arc segment or a linear line segment. A curvepolygon may or may not have inner boundaries that define a hole in the polygon.
fdo_type: fdo_polygon
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_polygon contain polygons with inner and outer boundaries defined by linear line segments. If the writer receives polygon features with arcs in the boundaries, the writer will stroke the arc segments before writing the features to the file. A polygon may or may not have inner boundaries that define a hole in the polygon.
fdo_type: fdo_multicurvepolygon
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_multicurvepolygon contain multiple curvepolygon features.
fdo_type: fdo_multipolygon
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_multipolygon contain multiple polygon features.
fdo_type: fdo_arc
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_arc contain arc features. Non-circular arcs will be stroked.
fdo_type: fdo_ellipse
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_ellipse contain elliptical features. Ellipses where the primary axis is different than the secondary axis will be stroked.
fdo_type: fdo_null
Features with an fdo_type of fdo_null have no geometry associated with the feature.