
Authentication errors occur even though my username and password are correct.

Ensure that the correct authentication method was selected. For SharePoint Online, select SAML, and for SharePoint Server, select Basic, NTLM, or Kerberos. Talk to your SharePoint administrator to see which authentication method(s) your site supports.

If you are attempting to authenticate with Basic or NTLM, you may need to provide the domain of your machine in your username (for example, domain\user or safe\developer1).

Attributes with the name, “Title” are not being written to the appropriate “Title” Field in a newly created List.

When creating a new List, the attribute names and types on the writer feature type schema will be sent to SharePoint, where the attribute named “Title” of type Text will be the designated title of each item. However, if there is no attribute named “Title” (case-sensitive) or the attribute is not of type Text, then SharePoint will be unable to know what to use for the title of each Item. Ensure that the name and type of your title attribute are correctly assigned.

There are a number of Fields that are read from SharePoint, but cannot be written back.

Depending on the type of List that you are writing to, there are a number of reserved Fields that may be readable, but not writeable.

In Custom (or Generic) Lists, there are Fields, such as “Author”, “Modified”, “ID”, etc. whose values are automatically updated by SharePoint. They essentially act as metadata tied to each Item. Users cannot modify these Fields. Additionally, certain Field types are intended for specific List types only. For example, AllDayEvent and Recurrence types are reserved for Calendar Lists.

The supplied SharePoint credentials are valid, but the SharePoint server rejects them with “HTTP 401 Unauthorized”.

This may happen if the SharePoint server requires authentication over HTTPS, but the URL for the Site specifies HTTP. Try changing the scheme of the Site URL to HTTPS.