Point Cloud XYZ (POINTCLOUDXYZ) Reader/Writer

The Point Cloud XYZ (POINTCLOUDXYZ) Reader/Writer allows FME to read and write point clouds from features into files in the xyz format.


XYZ files are ASCII database files, where each column in a row is delimited by some separator character. Each row represents a point within a point cloud.  Each column represents a point component for the point. The data from the Point Cloud XYZ file is read from or written to a point cloud geometry on an FME feature.

By convention, these files use the .xyz, .csv, or .txt filename extensions, but the Point Cloud XYZ reader and writer can use any extension.

Reader Overview

FME considers a single POINTCLOUDXYZ file to be a dataset. Each dataset contains a single FME point cloud feature.

Writer Overview

The Point Cloud XYZ Writer writes a point cloud geometry to a XYZ file. Optionally, the point components of the cloud are also output.

The writer will write a gzipped file if the extension of the destination file ends with .gz.

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