Adobe 3D PDF Writer Parameters
The writer outputs PDF version 1.7 files. The document will have one page which contains the 3D annotation.
Document Options

Determines whether Adobe Acrobat software will display the left-hand side Node navigation UI by default when opening the output PDF file.

Specifies the background color of the 3D annotation when the output file is viewed with Adobe Acrobat.
The format of the value is a comma-delimited list of red, green, and blue (rgb) components of the desired background color. Each rgb value should be a real number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
The default value is a dark grey color: 0.2,0.2,0.2.
Valid values are
<0.0 ... 1.0>,<0.0 ... 1.0>,<0.0 ... 1.0>
Coordinate System

Note that not all formats offer all the options described below.
- Yes: Coordinates of all the points in the written features will be normalized to the interval [-0.5, 0.5] on the largest side of their XYZ-bounding cube. The other dimensions will be scaled proportionally.
Additionally, the transformation matrix required to scale the model back to world coordinates will be written to a companion .fwt file. This can be used to improve precision of the written coordinates. The companion .fwt file will have the same name as the primary data file and will be written in the same folder. For folder-based formats, the file global.fwt will be written instead.
- No: The original coordinates will be written as provided. Coordinates will not be projected; .fwt world and .prj files will not be generated.
- Create Projection File Only: A companion .prj file containing the coordinate system and having the same name as the primary data file will be written in the same folder. For folder-based formats, the file global.prj will be written instead. Coordinates will not be projected and a world file will not be generated.
- Transform Coordinates Only: Transforms the coordinates as in the Yes option, but companion .prj and .fwt world files will not be generated.
Root Node

Specifies the name of the root node in the Model Tree representing the 3D geometry. If the value is not set, the root node will have a randomly generated unique name.

This directive specifies the size of the output page of the PDF document. The 3D annotation will fill the entire page, leaving a slight margin on all sides.
The default value is 600 600, which specifies a page size of 600 by 600 pixels.