Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes on page 7), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Feature Type



Point feature (v1.0)

VectorMapPoint Point feature (v1.1)


Linear feature


Text feature


Linear feature


Area feature

Every feature type contains a feature identifier, a feature code, a feature description, and geometry.


<osgb:Line fid='ID_1030>
<osgb:featureDescription>OS VectormMap Line</osgb:featureDescription>

The featureCode helps to identify and classify a feature from over 130 features, which are supplied using Lines, Points, Texts, and Polygons.

The OS VectorMap Local features may be identified by its xml_type attribute. The valid values for this attribute are:

Point, VectorMapPoint

Features having their xml_type set to xml_point are single coordinate features.


Features having their xml_type set to xml_line are polyline features and have at least two coordinates.


Features having their xml_type set to xml_text are annotation features, and may have the additional attributes: text string, orientation, height of text, anchor point, font.


Features having their xml_type attribute set to xml_line is a line feature and may have the additional attributes : road name, road number.


Features having their xml_type set to xml_area is a single closed polyline feature (simple closed polygon). A simple closed polygon contains at least four coordinates, with the first and last coordinate being equal.