MongoDB Writer Parameters
Database Connection

This parameter must contain the hostname or IP address of the destination MongoDB server.

This parameter determines the TCP port used to connect to the destination MongoDB server. If left blank, a default value will be used.

This parameter may be used to specify the database that contains the destination collection(s) to be written.
- If a valid database name is given, then collections will be written to that database only. The name of the destination feature type(s) will be the name of the destination MongoDB collection(s).
- f no database name is given, then collections can be written to any database on the destination MongoDB server. In that case, the destination feature type name(s) must be in the form: <database_name>.<collection_name>.

This parameter may be used to specify a username for authentication on the destination MongoDB server. If left blank, no authentication will be attempted.

This parameter may be used to specify a password for authentication on the destination MongoDB server. A password should only be specified if a username has been specified.

This parameter may be used to specify a database name for authentication on the destination MongoDB server. The authentication database is the database that contains the user specified in the Username parameter.
If left blank, the value of the Database Name parameter will be used.

This parameter controls whether features should be written in bulk.
If yes, then multiple features will be written in the same request, otherwise only one feature will be written at a time.