Adobe Illustrator – Avenza MAPublisher Writer

The Adobe® Illustrator® – Avenza MAPublisher writer allows FME to translate and import data into the Adobe Illustrator file format, complete with Avenza MAPublisher MAP Views and MAP Layers.


The Adobe Illustrator – Avenza MAPublisher writer provides export options to convert GIS data into a new Adobe Illustrator document, complete with MAPublisher MAP Views and MAP Layers.

With the Adobe Illustrator – Avenza MAPublisher writer, it is possible to create an Adobe Illustrator document containing data from formats that are not natively supported by Avenza MAPublisher using the power of FME format translations within FME Workbench.

The Adobe Illustrator – Avenza MAPublisher writer provides the following capabilities:

  • FME FFS support: MAPublisher 9.3+ for Adobe Illustrator supports FME FFS file import. This means that any format that can be converted to FFS through FME can be translated to an Adobe Illustrator document.
  • Batch Import Into Adobe Illustrator Files/Templates: Import data into existing Adobe Illustrator documents with preconfigured styles applied on-the-fly using the auto-assign feature; fit the imported data to the page and to existing or new MAP Views (with FME Auto license for MAPublisher).

Workbench Writer Dataset

This is the pathname to an FFS file that will be created by FME Workbench as a temporary storage to transfer the data to Adobe Illustrator. After the import process is complete, the filename can be safely reused by other writers.