Generic (Any Format) Writer Parameters
The Generic Writer allows FME to reroute output to any FME writer dynamically when a translation is run. The name of the true writer is supplied as an argument to the Generic Writer.
The Generic Writer allows translations and transformations to be completely specified independent of output format, and is very useful for solving problems where the schemas and transformations are known at design time, but the output format is not.
Specifies the name of the format that will be used at runtime to output the data.
FME Server Parameters
This parameter is only valid for users who are authoring for FME Server's streaming service, and would like to be able to create HTML files on the fly for streaming into the browser (as opposed to streaming plain text back to the browser).
By adjusting this setting, the user is communicating to and storing in the workspace information on how the text file will be streamed back if it is used in the streaming service.
The valid values for this parameter include all valid MIME types. Several common types are listed and others can be entered as text strings.