Reader Directives

The suffixes listed are prefixed by the current <ReaderKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <ReaderKeyword> for the GenaMap reader is GENAMAP.


Required/Optional: Required

The value for this directive is the GenaMap .FH file.


A typical mapping file fragment specifying an input GenaMap Type 4 dataset folder looks like:

GENAMAP_DATASET /usr/data/genamap/ZF04/MAP/MAP.FH

Workbench Parameter: Source Genasys GenaMap File(s)


Required/Optional: Optional

Forces the reader to attempt translation of Type 3 maps when reading Type 4 or Type 5 maps even if the arc/node map header states that the attribute hookup was not complete.

Valid values: YES | NO


The following forces the reader to attempt reading the Type 3 maps, effectively ignoring the attribute hookup status flag for the arc/node maps:



Required/Optional: Optional

This directive allows the user to override the scale of true display found in the GenaMap map header. This may be useful for a more accurate control of the resulting text feature’s text size.

Valid values: positive integers




Required/Optional: Optional

This directive allows the reader to align all text features into a lower-left justification. The original text justification may be found in the text feature’s genamap_original_justification attribute.

Valid values: YES | NO

If the automatic transformation for all text features into lower-left justification is not desired, then this keyword should be set to NO.

Default: YES


The GenaMap justification in this case may also be found in the text feature’s genamap_original_justification attribute.



Required/Optional: Optional

This directive allows the reader to specify that the data is in big endian or little endian.

Valid values: YES | NO

Default: YES


The following specifies that the data to be read in is little endian:


Workbench Parameter: Data in Big Endian


Required/Optional: Optional

Allows the user to specify the coefficients for a 2D affine transformation that is to be performed on a GenaMap text feature coordinate. Affine transformations include translations, rotations, scalings, and reflections. One of the uses of this directive is to allow shifting the position of the text coordinate in any direction on the x or y axis.


The range of values for this directive are: “a b c d e f” where a,b,c,d,e, and f must be real numbers, white-space-separated, and enclosed within double quotation marks. a, b, c, d, e, and f are coefficients for the equations:

x’ = ax + by + c
y’ = dx + ey + f

Default: NO

The following will shift all of the text coordinates read 5 units down the y-axis:


It is possible to apply an affine transformation on the coordinate of a text selectively according to the value of its GenaMap alignment. The following nine directives may be used in conjunction with, but will override the affine transformation of, the generic TEXT_TRANSFORM_AFFINE_COEFF directive:

  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_LL - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having lower-left justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_LC - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having lower-center justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_LR - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having lower-right justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_CL - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having center-left justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_CM - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having center-middle justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_CR - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having center-right justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_UL - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having upper-left justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_UC - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having upper-center justifications.
  • TEXT_TRANSFORM_COEFF_UR - Applies the specified affine transformation to GenaMap text features having upper-right justifications.

For example, the following directives shift lower-left justified text 5 units down the y-axis, while text with other justifications are shifted 10 units up the y-axis:



Using the minimum and maximum x and y parameters, define a bounding box that will be used to filter the input features. Only features that interact with the bounding box are returned.

If all four coordinates of the search envelope are specified as 0, the search envelope will be disabled.

Mapping File Syntax

<ReaderKeyword>_SEARCH_ENVELOPE <minX> <minY> <maxX> <maxY>

Note: If all four coordinates of the search envelope are specified as zero, the search envelope will be disabled.



Workbench Parameter

Minimum X, Minimum Y, Maximum X, Maximum Y


This directive specifies the coordinate system of the search envelope if it is different than the coordinate system of the data.

The COORDINATE_SYSTEM directive, which specifies the coordinate system associated with the data to be read, must always be set if the SEARCH_ENVELOPE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM directive is set.

If this directive is set, the minimum and maximum points of the search envelope are reprojected from the SEARCH_ENVELOPE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM to the reader COORDINATE_SYSTEM prior to applying the envelope.



Mapping File Syntax

<ReaderKeyword>_SEARCH_ENVELOPE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM <coordinate system>

Workbench Parameter

Search Envelope Coordinate System


This directive specifies whether or not FME should clip features to the envelope specified in the SEARCH_ENVELOPE directive.


YES | NO (default)

Mapping File Syntax

<ReaderKeyword>_CLIP_TO_ENVELOPE [yes | no]

Workbench Parameter

Clip To Envelope


This directive allows the selection of format attributes to be explicitly added to the reader feature type.

This is similar to exposing format attributes on a reader feature type once it has been generated; however, it is even more powerful because it enables schema-driven applications other than Workbench to access and leverage these attributes as if they were explicitly on the schema as user attributes.

The result of picking a list of attributes is a comma-separated list of attribute names and types that will be added to the schema features. Currently all reader feature types will receive the same set of additional schema attributes for a given instance of the reader.



Mapping File Syntax

Not applicable.

While it is possible for FME Objects applications to invoke this directive, the required format is not documented.

This directive is intended for use in our GUI applications (for example, Workbench) only.

Workbench Parameter

Additional Attributes to Expose