
FMEDialog.featTypeProperties(format, source, schemaFeat)

Bring up the feature type properties dialog on the given schema feature.

  • format (str) – The format name for the format this schema feature is a part of.

  • source (bool) – True if this feature type is a source, False otherwise.

  • schemaFeat (FMEFeature) –

    The schema feature to edit. The schema feature is represented through the following values on the feature:

    • Feature Type: The feature type of the schema feature.

    • Geometry Type: The geometry type(s) of the schema feature, set as the ‘fme_geometry{n}’ attribute on the schema feature, where n is an index starting at 0. The geometry type values are the format specific geometry types that are defined in the metafile of the target format.

    • User Attributes: The user attribute(s) of the schema feature, set as regular attribute name/type pairs on the schema feature.

    • Format Attributes: The format attribute(s) of the schema feature, set as ‘fme_format_attr_name{n}’ and ‘fme_format_attr_type{n}’ attributes on the schema feature, where n is an index starting at 0.

Return type:

FMEFeature or None


The schema feature that has been edited, None otherwise.