You are here: Web User Interface > Using the Interface > Repositories


Use this page to manage your Repositories.

Viewing Repository Contents

Click a repository name to open it. When you open a repository, you can:

  • Click a workspace to run it.
  • Click the star icon to add a workspace to your "Favorite Workspaces" on the Home page.
  • Click the View Workspace icon to open an item in the Workspace Viewer.

To remove items in a repository from FME Server, select and click Remove.

Working with Version Control

If Version Control is enabled, you can perform the following tasks on the Repositories page:

Accessing Versions

To access the history of additions and changes to a repository, click History. On the History dialog, you can:

  • View information about a revision, including the file name, the user who committed the addition or modification, and the date of the commit.
  • Copy the SHA hash corresponding to a Git repository commit.
  • Download a file version.

Tip: If you have configured version control with a remote Git repository, fetch the latest updates before browsing history (Version Control Manage permission required).

When viewing history, keep in mind the following:

  • Downloading a file version does not replace your working copy of that file on FME Server. To update your working copy with a downloaded file, republish it to FME Server.
  • The History dialog shows the history of deleted items in a repository, but it is not possible to view the history of repositories that have been deleted.
  • To limit history to a single repository, check the box beside the repository you want to view. To limit history to a single file of a repository, open a repository and check the box beside the file you want to browse.

Saving a File Version

You can save individual file versions directly from the Repositories page.

  1. Open a repository, and check the box beside the workspace to select it.
  2. Click Commit.
  3. In the Commit Item dialog, enter a Commit Comment, if desired, and click Commit.

To access the version of the workspace you committed, see Accessing Versions, above.

Other Tasks

To create a repository

Click New. On the Create a New Repository page, provide a name and description for the new repository, and click OK.

To edit a repository description

Select a repository and click Edit. On the Editing Repository page, make your desired changes, and click Save Changes.

To share a repository

Click the Share with Others icon. Through sharing, you can grant levels of permissions on an item to other users. You can share an item if you own it, or if you are a user with Manage Security permissions, such as an administrator. For more information about sharing and ownership, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.

To change the job queue to which a repository is assigned

If not explicitly assigned, repositories are assigned to the Default job queue. Under the Queue column, you can assign the repository to a different queue.

Note: You must have Manage permission in Engines & Licensing to change the job queue of a repository.

To remove a repository

Select one or more repositories and click Remove.