Workbench Format Resources
FME Terminology
FME Geometry Model
Feature Types
Using Database Connections
Using Web Service Connections
About FME Rasters
Standard FME Date and Time Format
All Formats
List of Supported Formats
Popular Formats
Quick Facts: Popular Formats
Bentley MicroStation Design Reader/Writer
Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF Reader/Writer
CSV (Comma-Separated Value) Reader/Writer
Esri Shapefile Reader/Writer
Esri Geodatabase Reader/Writer
FME Feature Store Reader/Writer
Google KML Reader/Writer
Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) Reader/Writer
MapInfo TAB (MAPINFO/MITAB) Reader/Writer
Microsoft Excel (XLSXR/XLSXW) Reader/Writer
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Reader/Writer
XML (Extensible Markup Language) Reader/Writer
Transformer Resources
New formats for 2018+
Apache Hive (Hadoop) Reader
Bentley i-model Interchange Format Reader
Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) Reader
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) Reader
FME Augmented Reality (AR) Writer
GDAL Generic Raster Reader
Google Cloud Spanner Reader/Writer
HERE Venue Map (GML) Reader/Writer
HYPACK Border Reader/Writer
IDRISI Raster Reader/Writer
InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) Reader/Writer
LDAP/Active Directory Reader (Technology Preview)
Microsoft PowerPoint Writer
Microsoft Word Writer
PCD (Point Cloud Data) Reader/Writer
QVX (QlikView Data Exchange) Writer
R Statistical Raster Data (GRD) Reader/Writer
SOSI GML Reader/Writer
Well Logging Ascii Standard Format (WLAS) Reader
All Files
Autodesk ReCap Writer
Quick Facts
Writer Parameters
Feature Representation
Autodesk ReCap Writer Parameters
Dataset Parameters
Project Name
Choose the name of the output ReCap project.