CITS Data Transfer Format (QLF) Feature Representation

QLF features consist of geometry and attributes. The attribute names are defined on the feature type, and there is a value for each attribute in each QLF feature.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name



The QLF geometric type of this entity.






Default: No default

F1- Fn

Represents a feature attribute where n is the number set via the Number of Fields parameter during workspace generation. If Number of Fields is set to 5, then there will be 5 attributes: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5.

Range: Maximum of 20 characters

Default: Blank


qlf_type: qlf_point

QLF point features specify a single x and y coordinate in addition to any associated user-defined attributes. There are no special FME attributes for the QLF line type.


qlf_type: qlf_line

QLF line features specify linear features defined by a sequence of x and y coordinates. There are no special FME attributes for the QLF lines type.


qlf_type: qlf_polygon

QLF polygon features specify area (polygonal) features. The areas that make up a single feature may or may not be disjoint, and may contain polygons that have holes. There are no special FME attributes for the QLF region type.