Landsat-8 on AWS Feature Representation
In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).
Bands can use 8-bit or 16-bit color types or UInt types.
User attributes are not supported.
Attribute Name |
Contents |
landsat8_type | Will always be landsat8_raster. |
landsat8_band_description_band_n | Text description of the data the band contains. |
landsat8_wavelength_minimum_band_n | Minimum radiation wavelength captured by sensor band, microns. Range: 0.43 to 11.50 |
landsat8_wavelength_maximum_band_n | Maximum radiation wavelength captured by sensor band, microns. Range: 0.45 to 12.50 |
landsat8_image_attributes.cloud_cover | Percentage of cloud cover from 0-100, or -1 if cloud cover was not assessed. |
landsat8_image_attributes.earth_sun_distance | Measurement of the earth to sun distance at the particular day and time of imagery acquisition. Astronomical Unit (AU) of measurement. |
landsat8_image_attributes.geometric_rmse_model | Combined Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the geometric residuals (meters) in both across-track and alongtrack directions measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction. This parameter is only present if the DATA_TYPE is L1T. |
landsat8_image_attributes.geometric_rmse_model_x | The post-fit RMSE for the along-track direction. Units are in meters equal to or greater than zero, with no upper limit, and three decimal places. This parameter is only present if the DATA_TYPE is L1T. |
landsat8_image_attributes.geometric_rmse_model_y | The post-fit RMSE for the along-track direction. Units are in meters equal to or greater than zero, with no upper limit, and three decimal places. This parameter is only present if the DATA_TYPE is L1T. |
landsat8_image_attributes.geometric_rmse_verify | The post-fit RMSE for the along-track direction. Units are in meters equal to or greater than zero, with no upper limit, and three decimal places. This parameter is only present if the DATA_TYPE is L1T. |
landsat8_image_attributes.ground_control_points_model | Number of GCPs used in the precision correction process. This parameter is only present if the DATA_TYPE is L1T. |
landsat8_image_attributes.ground_control_points_verify | Number of GCPs used in the verification of the terrain corrected product. This parameter is only present if it was calculated. |
landsat8_image_attributes.image_quality_oli |
The composite image quality for the OLI bands. Values: 9 = Best, 1 = Worst, 0 = Image quality not calculated. This parameter is only present if OLI bands are present in the product. |
landsat8_image_attributes.image_quality_tirs |
The composite image quality for the TIRS bands. Values: 9 = Best, 1 = Worst, 0 = Image quality not calculated. This parameter is only present if TIRS bands are present in the product. |
landsat8_image_attributes.roll_angle |
The amount of spacecraft roll angle at the scene center. The roll value is given in the Yaw Steering Frame (YSF) reference, whose x-axis is aligned with the instantaneous ground track velocity vector. Rolls about this x-axis go by the right-hand rule: a positive roll results in the instruments pointing to the left of the ground track, while a negative roll results in the instrument pointing to the right. Range: -15 to +15 |
landsat8_image_attributes.sun_azimuth |
The Sun azimuth angle in degrees for the image center location at the image center acquisition time. A positive value indicates angles to the east or clockwise from the north. A negative value (-) indicates angles to the west or counterclockwise from the north. Range: -180 to +180 |
landsat8_image_attributes.sun_elevation |
The Sun elevation angle in degrees for the image center location at the image center acquisition time. A positive value indicates a daytime scene. A negative value (-) indicates a nighttime scene. Note: For reflectance calculation, the sun zenith angle is needed, which is 90 - sun elevation angle. Range: -90 to +90 |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.file_date | The date when the metadata file for the L1G product set was created. The date is based on Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) (also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.landsat_scene_id | The unique Landsat scene identifier. |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.origin | Origin of the product. |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.processing_software_version | The processing software version that created the product. The version consists of a system name followed by an underscore and then the software version, where X is the major release number, Y is the minor release number, and Z is the patch (or engineering) release number. X, Y, and Z are all numeric values. |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.request_id |
Product Request ID. NNNNNNNNNNNNN_UUUUU where: NNNNNNNNNNNNN = 13-digit Tracking, Routing, and Metrics (TRAM) order number UUUUU = 5-digit TRAM unit number |
landsat8_metadata_file_info.station_id | The Ground Station that received the data. |
landsat8_min_max_pixel_value.quantize_cal_max_band_n | Maximum possible pixel value for Band n. |
landsat8_min_max_pixel_value.quantize_cal_min_band_n | Minimum possible pixel value for Band n. |
landsat8_min_max_radiance.radiance_maximum_band_n | Maximum achievable spectral radiance value for Band n. |
landsat8_min_max_radiance.radiance_minimum_band_n | Minimum achievable spectral radiance value for Band n. |
landsat8_min_max_reflectance.reflectance_maximum_band_n | Maximum achievable reflectance value for Band n. |
landsat8_min_max_reflectance.reflectance_minimum_band_n | Minimum achievable reflectance value for Band n. |
landsat8_product_metadata.bpf_name_oli | The file name for the Bias Parameter File (BPF) used to generate the product, if applicable. This only applies to products that contain OLI bands. |
landsat8_product_metadata.bpf_name_tirs | The file name for the BPF used to generate the product, if applicable. This only applies to products that contain TIRS bands |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ll_lat_product |
The latitude value for the lower-left corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -90 to +90 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ll_lon_product |
The longitude value for the lower-left corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -180 to +180 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ll_projection_x_product |
The lower-left corner map projection X coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ll_projection_y_product |
The lower-left corner map projection Y coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_lr_lat_product |
The latitude value for the lower-right corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -90 to +90 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_lr_lon_product |
The longitude value for the lower-right corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -180 to +180 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_lr_projection_x_product |
The lower-right corner map projection X coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_lr_projection_y_product |
The lower-right corner map projection Y coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ul_lat_product |
The latitude value for the lower-right corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -90 to +90 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ul_lon_product |
The longitude value for the upper-left corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Positive (+) value indicates east longitude; negative (-) value indicates west longitude. Units are in degrees. Range: -180 to +180 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ul_projection_x_product | The upper-left corner map projection X coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ul_projection_y_product |
The upper-left corner map projection Y coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ur_lat_product |
The latitude value for the upper-right corner of the product. Measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -90 to +90 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ur_lon_product | The longitude value for the upper-right corner of the product, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in degrees. Range: -180 to +180 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ur_projection_x_product |
The upper-right corner map projection X coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.corner_ur_projection_y_product |
The upper-right corner map projection Y coordinate, measured at the center of the pixel. Units are in meters. Range: -132000000 to +132000000 |
landsat8_product_metadata.cpf_name | The file name for the Calibration Parameter File (CPF) used to generate the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.data_type |
The identifier to inform the user of the product type. Values: L1T or L1GT |
landsat8_product_metadata.date_acquired | The date the image was acquired. |
landsat8_product_metadata.elevation_source |
Indicates the source of the DEM used in the correction process. Values: GLS2000, RAMP, or GTOPO30 |
landsat8_product_metadata.file_name_band_n | The file name for Band n. |
landsat8_product_metadata.metadata_file_name | The file name for L1 metadata |
landsat8_product_metadata.nadir_offnadir |
Nadir or Off-Nadir condition of the scene. Values: NADIR or OFFNADIR |
landsat8_product_metadata.output_format | The output format of the image. Always GEOTIFF. |
landsat8_product_metadata.panchromatic_lines | The number of product lines for the panchromatic band (Band 8). This parameter is only present if the panchromatic band is present in the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.panchromatic_samples | The number of product samples for the panchromatic band (Band 8). This parameter is only present if the panchromatic band is in the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.reflective_lines | The number of product lines for the reflective bands (Bands 1–7 and Band 9). This parameter is only present if reflective bands are in the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.reflective_samples | The number of product samples for the reflective bands (Bands 1–7 and Band 9). This parameter is only present if reflective bands are in the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.rlut_file_name | The file name for the Response Linearization Lookup Table (RLUT) used to generate the product, if applicable. |
landsat8_product_metadata.scene_center_time |
Scene center time of the date the image was acquired. Format: HH:MI:SS.SSSSSSSZ where: HH = Hour (00-23) MI = Minute SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds Z = constant (indicates “Zulu” time, same as GMT). |
landsat8_product_metadata.sensor_id |
Sensor(s) used to capture this scene. Values: OLI_TIRS, OLI or TIRS |
landsat8_product_metadata.spacecraft_id | Spacecraft from which the data were captured. Always LANDSAT_8. |
landsat8_product_metadata.target_wrs_path | Nearest WRS-2 path to the Line-of-Sight (LOS) scene center of the image. |
landsat8_product_metadata.target_wrs_row |
Nearest WRS-2 row to the LOS scene center of the image. Rows 880–889 and 990–999 are reserved for the polar regions where it is undefined in the WRS- 2. |
landsat8_product_metadata.thermal_lines | The number of product lines for the thermal bands (Bands 10–11). This parameter is only present if thermal bands are in the product. |
landsat8_product_metadata.thermal_samples | The number of product samples for the thermal bands (Bands 10–11). This parameter is only present if thermal bands are in the product |
landsat8_product_metadata.wrs_path | Orbital WRS-2 defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path). |
landsat8_product_metadata.wrs_row | Orbital WRS-2 defined nominal Landsat row number for this scene. |
landsat8_projection_parameters.datum | The datum used in creating the image. Always WGS84. |
landsat8_projection_parameters.ellipsoid | The ellipsoid used in creating the image. Always WGS84. |
landsat8_projection_parameters.grid_cell_size_panchromatic |
The grid cell size in meters used in creating the image for the panchromatic band, if part of the product. This parameter is only included if the panchromatic band is included in the product. Value: 15 |
landsat8_projection_parameters.grid_cell_size_reflective | The grid cell size in meters used in creating the image for Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) / Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) bands, if part of the product. This parameter is only included if the reflective bands are included in the product. Value: 30 |
landsat8_projection_parameters.grid_cell_size_thermal |
The grid cell size in meters used in creating the image for the thermal bands, if part of the product. This parameter is only included if the thermal bands are included in the product. Value: 30 |
landsat8_projection_parameters.map_projection |
The map projection used in creating the image. Values: UTM [Universal Transverse Mercator] or PS [Polar Stereographic] |
landsat8_projection_parameters.orientation | The orientation used in creating the image. Values: NORTH_UP or NOMINAL |
landsat8_projection_parameters.resampling_option | The resampling option used in creating the image. Always CUBIC_CONVOLUTION |
landsat8_projection_parameters.utm_zone |
The value used to indicate the zone number. This parameter is only included for the UTM projection. Range: 1 to 60 |
landsat8_radiometric_rescaling.radiance_add_band_n | The additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to Radiance units for Band n (W/(m2 sr um)) |
landsat8_radiometric_rescaling.radiance_mult_band_n | The multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to Radiance units for Band n (W/(m2 sr um)/DN). |
landsat8_radiometric_rescaling.reflectance_add_band_n | The additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to Radiance units for Band 11 (W/(m2 sr um). |
landsat8_radiometric_rescaling.reflectance_mult_band_n | The multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to Reflectance for Band 1 (DN-1). |
landsat8_tirs_thermal_constants.k1_constant_band_n | K1 coefficient for Band n radiance to temperature conversion. Thermal bands only. |
landsat8_tirs_thermal_constants.k2_constant_band_n | K2 coefficient for Band n radiance to temperature conversion. Thermal bands only. |