Bentley i-model Interchange Format Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name


imodel_type The FME name for the type of element this feature represents.

Represents the color or fill color storage method.

Range: Indexed | Rgb | ColorBook

imodel_[fill_]color_index Represents the color of the element, an index into the color table stored within the i-model file.

Represents the color intensity for each red, green, and blue.

Range: 0..255

imodel_[fill_]color_book_name The Pantone book name that contains the color.
imodel_[fill_]color_name The Pantone color name within a given color book.

Symbology Representation

Certain elements within i-model files contain additional information regarding their symbology including gradients, and fill color; the following attributes may be found on features representing these elements.

Attribute Name


imodel_gradient_angle Specifies the angle of the gradient.
imodel_gradient_shift Specifies the offset of the gradient.
imodel_gradient_tint Specifies the tint of the gradient.
imodel_gradient_flags_always_filled Specifies whether the gradient is always filled.
imodel_gradient_flags_invert Specifies whether the gradient should be inverted.
imodel_gradient_flags_outline Specifies whether there is an outline around the gradient.

Specifies the type of gradient.

Range: Curved | Cylindrical | Hemispherical | Linear | Spherical


Specifies the color intensity for a given component of a gradient.

Range: 0..255


Specifies the location of a component in the gradient.

Range: 0..1

Associative Regions

Associative Region features represent Microstation Region elements; these are complex shapes created from the Boolean combination of two or more closed shapes. The features may contain the following attributes.

Attribute Name


imodel_assoc_region_is_hole Whether or not this region contains a hole.
imodel_assoc_region_associative Whether or not this region is associative.
imodel_assoc_region_invisible_boundary Whether or not this region has an invisible boundary.

The type of Boolean operation performed to create this region.

Range: Difference | ExclusiveOr | Flood | Intersection | Union

imodel_assoc_region_flatten_bounday Whether or not the boundary of this region should be flattened using a matrix transform.
imodel_flatten_boundary_(a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i) The matrix transform that can be used to flatten the boundary of this region.
imodel_assoc_region_gap_tolerance The gap tolerance when using the Flood operation.

The description of the loop properties.

Range: Alternating | Ignore | Outer

imodel_assoc_region_interior_text Whether or not this region should create a hole around interior text elements.
imodel_assoc_region_text_margin_factor The margin of the hole created around text elements.