Bentley MicroStation GeoGraphics Reader Parameters
Database Connection
Select ODBC, Access MDB, or Oracle.
Select the Access database file.
Enter the ODBC data source that points to your MGE database. Depending on your database, you may also have to enter a username and password.
Tip: If you have installed ODBC drivers (which usually happens when you install Microsoft Access or another database), you can set up ODBC datasources using the ODBC option in your Windows Control Panel.
Enter the name of the Oracle service.
Enter the username and password to access the service.
After you have specified the database connection, click the Browse button to select tables for import. A connection window appears while the system compiles a table from the database.
Once the table list appears, you can select one or more tables, and then click OK to dismiss the window. The table name(s) will appear in the Table List field in the parameter box.
General Table Names
Identifies the name of the feature table. Use this parameter only if you have a feature table with a name other than feature.
Identifies the name of the feature table. Use this parameter only if you have a category table with a name other than category.
Expand Cells
Determines how you want the cells to be expanded into separate features. The reader may be set to expand cells, so that each member element of the cell is read and output as a separate feature. By default, when you set this parameter, the cell insertion point itself is not output, but the insert points may still be read if you select the Preserve Unnamed Cells option.
In addition, the cell members are assigned a unique cell sequence number, igds_cell_sequence_number. This number can be used to later regroup the cell components if that is required.
If Expand Cells is not set, cell elements will be read as features with point geometry, representing the insertion points of the cells.
Members of root and nested cells are stored as independent features. By default, only the root cell’s insertion point is stored.
Members of root and nested cells are stored as independent features. Features with donut geometry may be made from related elements.
If the cell has any nested cells, complex chains or complex shapes, this option ensures that the nesting is preserved.
Coordinate Units
Specify the coordinate units of the features.
The UORs read from the file will be converted into master units, according to a conversion factor before being stored in an FME feature.
The UORs read from the file will be converted into subunits according to a conversion factor before being stored in an FME feature.
The UORs read from the file will be stored directly in an FME feature, with no conversion.
Complex Strings
Check this box if you want each component of a complex chain to be returned as its own feature and no feature will be returned for the complex chain as a whole. Otherwise all elements of the complex chain will be merged into a single linear feature, any arcs in the complex chain will be converted into linestrings and any linkages on the component elements themselves will be lost.
Check this box if you want the linkages attached to the first component of the complex chain to be returned on the FME feature, supplementing any existing linkages. Otherwise any linkages on the component elements themselves will be lost and only those linkages attached to the complex chain itself will be returned.
When selected, splits the multi text.