FME Workspace Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name



The type of geometric entity stored within the feature:


Reader Generated IDs

In order to associate the features produced by the reader with each other, the reader will generate several types of unique IDs. For example, most feature types and resultant features will contain a workspace_id, reader_id, writer_id, or transformer_id attribute.

Values for these attributes are generated per translation and may change if the order of input datasets, feature types, or transformers changes in a workspace.

Feature Types


Histogram feature types include a count for each type of reader, writer, and transformer. This is useful for obtaining counts across many workspaces based on component type.

Each feature represents a data value for one type in the histogram. For example, one ReaderHistogram feature type with a reader_type of ESRISHAPE and a reader_count of 3 indicates that there are 3 Shapefile readers in the workspace.

Format "short names" are visible in the FME Workbench Reader and Writer Gallery: Select Tools > Browse Readers and Writers.