Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB (DocumentDB): Format Attributes

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are specific to all formats, see Format attributes are specific to a format's schema. Some examples are: autocad_block_name and sde30_justification. They are not generically supported by FME and will change when translating to a different format. You can "expose" or make them visible so that you can set them to particular values and connect them to other format-specific attributes. In general, format attributes are designed for translations to and from the same format, although advanced users may find them useful for writing to other formats when using customized workspaces. Format attributes allow a wide variety of special things to be done with formats, such as setting line thickness, creating special entities, and setting particular bits or bytes.

The DocumentDB reader produces these format attributes.

Format Attribute

Document Property


documentdb_id id The user-defined primary key.
documentdb_rid _rid A read-only and system-generated primary key.
documentdb_ts _ts A read-only and system-generated timestamp. The value is the Document’s last-updated timestamp, in seconds from the UNIX epoch.
documentdb_self _self A read-only and system-generated unique URI for the Document.
documentdb_etag _etag A read-only and system-generated value.
documentdb_attachments _attachments A read-only and system-generated value.
documentdb_json N/A If Include Document JSON is enabled, then features read from DocumentDB include the whole JSON for each Document in this attribute.
json_type N/A Geometry type. Read-only.

Geometry Types

All geometries in DocumentDB are geospatial, in the LL84 coordinate system. The DocumentDB reader populates the json_type format attribute with the geometry types below, based on any GeoJSON value parsed from the attribute specified by Geometry Property reader feature type parameter.

Geometry Type


json_no_geom No geometry
json_point Single coordinate
json_line Line geometry
json_polygon Polygon geometry
json_collection Any type of GeoJSON geometry collection, including homogeneous collection types